Friday 14 March 2008

"Nightwood," Djuna Barnes

More lesbians! Only this time, they are modernist lesbians.

I really have a problem with High Modernism, at least when it's the "let's use racial tropes and talk about race memory for pages!" High Modernism. It sort of reminds me of the time when I tried to play a Dungeons & Dragons type game back in high school and you had to pick a race of ugly elf being or whatever and each one of the races of elf beings had Racial Characteristics. Or maybe it reminds me of Star Trek. In any case, it reminds me of something very nerdy. Maybe Dungeons & Dragons is like what High Modernism degenerated into. It is the Morlock to T.S. Eliot's Eloi.

So, anyway, yeah. I had a problem with Nightwood.

Supposedly Djuna Barnes slept with her grandmother.

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