Sunday 21 September 2008

"Feersum Endjinn," Iain M. Banks

Time for some Iain Banks with the M added in! This time it's the story of almost-abandoned Earth, where humans fight artificial intelligence in a giant crypt. Banks doesn't insult your intelligence by explaining anything - it's all told in a realistic enough manner, which means no "As was written in the secret scrolls 1,000 years ago, this is about to happen in the plot!" infodumps - which was a relief in that it made the writing infinitely less clumsy, but it also made the book a hard-ish read as sometimes my intelligence needs insulting, I suppose.

I enjoyed the first-person dialect sections of the book, which are in a sort of phonetic language/semi-rebus ("1/2" for "have," etc.) and the concept of Serehfa - what seems to be an ancient missile silo turned into a human-scale gigantic dollhouse.

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